Liberty Careers Institute, LLC
About LCI
Liberty Careers Institute is a post secondary vocational educational technology careers school founded and registered in Houston Texas by Professor Omotoye Joe O. Omokheyeke. Liberty Careers Institute focuses on professional certification exams delivery services (ASSESSMENT) and training. Other services include:
Microsoft AZURE/AWS Cloud Computing Consulting
Texas High School Diploma Equivalent /GED test and students counseling
Texas State Insurance - All exams. Visit https://www.tdi.texas.gov/licensing
Texas State Teachers and Special Education certification - All Exams
Texas State and National Real Estate Exams
Basic Computer Applications Training - Office 365 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access 2019/21)
NCLEX Board Exam Boot Camp Review Practice and Testing (RN, LVN & CNA)
Medical Examiner Certification (DOT Examiner Training Program) for Medical Doctors, NP and PA
CNA/CMA Programs, CPR and ACLS Training
All computer based exams boot camp training
In August 2019. Liberty Careers Institute signed a partnership agreement with Pearson VUE, the world leader in Computer Based Testing (CBT) and became an Authorized Pearson VUE Test Center for all industries professional certifications exam delivery and administration.
Liberty Careers Institute's mission is to provide a life-long Assessment/learning platform with innovation and competent human resources to facilitate, encourage, motivate and support students towards achieving their career goals in the changing local and global economy.
Liberty Careers Institute's purpose is to provide students with courses of instruction using learner-centered approach and practical workshop that enable learner to acquire the basic skills, knowledge and certifications required for entry-level employment in the Federal/State Agencies, Healthcare, Education, Manufacturing and Oil & Gas Industries.
Liberty Careers Institute's vision is to promote diversity and cultural awareness between USA and International countries through various career programs, technology applications, and testing center provision. Liberty Careers Institute does not discriminate based on sex, age, religion, race, ethnicity or national origin.
LCI Motto: Education is our source of Discipline, Power and Freedom !!!